Saturday, 10 March 2012

Tate Modern & The Self

My plan for today’s post was to write about Tate Modern’s target group. The target group is very important for a brand, as it influences almost every decision from communication to products and consumer interaction. I will definitely cover this topic, however, for today I suddenly had the feeling to write about something else.

I walked from Southbank along the Thames to Tate Modern, as I mentioned before one of my favorite walks in London, although I could have sent all the tourists to the moon today. The weather was beautiful and my mind was busy with different thoughts, when it suddenly popped in my mind: what am I doing exactly? Why do I go to Tate Modern on a sunny Saturday afternoon? Why do I go there again and don’t just write another post from home and get the inputs from my memory of other Tate Modern visits?
However, when I entered the building I knew again why. There is just no better place to write about my brand journey than inside Tate Modern itself. This place is such an inspiration. When you enter Tate Modern, you enter a world of its own. I can’t really explain why, but there is a calmness here, which helps me to settle down thoughts and at the same time free my mind. It must have to do with the paintings and all the art here. Museums very often have that impact on me.

Being in Tate Modern is also very inspiring. It makes me question my life, supports my creative thinking, gives me new ideas and actually makes me more self-confident. Most importantly, it makes me feel free. It is probably that in Tate Modern I am part of a world, which is connected to all the artists represented by the paintings. A world with history and so many different ideas. A global world bringing people together from all around the world with a similar purpose.

This museum can give me the feeling that everything is possible and that it is just up to me to grab the opportunities. Only very few places can trigger these emotions in myself.

A brand should aim to do what Tate Modern does to me. A brand should connect with a person, go deep into their feelings and emotions, create a relationship and open a new world. If a brand manages to do that it most probably gets its very desired loyal customers.

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